Hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving yesterday. I did... feasted on bird suet. Yum!
Friday, November 26, 2010
This is for the birds!
Hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving yesterday. I did... feasted on bird suet. Yum!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Well, that was easy.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Something's gotta give...
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Much to be thankful for... underwear, babes, blondes...
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
For the hunks, babes, and fans of the military!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
One year and counting
A couple of weeks ago a coyote was spotted climbing through the huge lava rock pile between the house and the barn. I missed it. Drat it! I'm told the coyote was of the gray variety. I'll add this to the list of things to check out.
Speaking of rocks... in the towns where I’ve lived most my life you had to pay big bucks to landscape with rocks of any significance; you know, the kind you can’t lift by yourself, even with a helper. We have the one huge rock pile that I just spoke about; two medium sized ones where we planted a Dogwood (see rock image 2 posts below) and a weeping Japanese maple; and another medium one that Kitty likes to climb and repose on top of ala lion-like as he surveys his stalking ground below. All the rock piles have beautiful moss that is a bright green in the spring and turns darker as fall approaches.
So far, Kitty's stalking has only resulted in a couple of tiny lizards that couldn't out-run him. As hard as he tries, the squirrels and my fellow birds are too fast for him. But it’s fun to watch him stalk his prey as he crouches close to the ground… only to see them scurry off much to his dismay. (Luckily he hasn't seen the quail that parade through the lawn once in a while.) His body language during the whole stalking process speaks volumes. He loves being outside. Let’s hope this coming winter isn’t as wet as last year. I do think he’s forgotten about all the rain we had and the snow.
As for an early spring next year… hope springs eternal...
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Speaking of eyes...
We (birds, that is) have an internal magnetic compass. Scientists are just not sure if it's tiny magnets in our beaks wired to our nervous system that detects lines of magnetic force... OR if magnetic fields are "seen" via our eyes using a complex light-sensitive mechanism. The scientists suggest it's the second theory, at least for the European robins they studied. And I'm not telling! Let them figure it out.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day To All Fine Feathered Moms!
Bird condos in Tree Top Village
The BirdBuzz is we'll be lucky to see the sun before Tuesday. We had a thunderstorm last night. And next month summer arrives. Unbelievable! So what does that give us (besides a yard full of pine needles that we gather and burn on "burn day") - 6 months of rainy season, 3 months of summer with little spring and fall?
Deer - resourceful rascals, aren't they!
Cat or Manx?
In the meantime, leave a comment; I promise to answer back!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Birds Of A Feather
Thank you, Winston. So 'tis true: Birds of a feather flock together! I like having you as a friend.
He came to my window
to say how do you do
and shook his little tail
and far away he flew!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day!
Nobody to love? Don't we all know some bird who is always complaining about not getting any valentines or has no "love interest" to send one of their own? Tell 'em to get a life... and leave the worms for me!
Hey, that's a yellow bird singing that tune, not this robin!
Happy Valentine's Day
to all you critters out there!