What do you do when your modem dies and your Internet connection goes down mid-afternoon on a Friday? Access to email accounts – gone! Access to your website or anybody else's – gone. Worse yet, that means no access to Twitter either. Talk about torture! What must ArtistAnika or Sunny525 be thinking, or TheSickChick, IrishAttic, Blondetwit, Libertygirl3 and Writer_Dad – all friends I follow or tweet with on a daily basis? Will they even notice there have been no tweets from RobinNestor lately?
Now what to do? Who to call first? Do I need to remind you, dea
r reader, what's it's like just trying to get to a real live person for a service call these days? Recording: "Please enter or say your ten digit telephone number. You said 555-123-4567; is that correct? … etc., etc."
And once you get there – they keep referring you on and on until finally ... a live person in the tech department. That's when you start praying. Praying that there's no disconnect during the process so you don't have to start all over again. Sure enough, disconnect!
So you call your computer guru who informs you that your modem is obviously dead. You need to get a replacement from the phone company. I found a shortcut to the tech department this time, only to be referred to the company "store" to order the new modem that can't be shipped until Monday.
Back to guru – I ask guru if he can find a modem locally and install it before Wednesday. "I'll check around and call you in the morning." Guru called Saturday to say he had found one; he can work me into his Monday schedule. At least I know I'm in good hands now. Panic is starting to ease.
Message to Twitter: I'll be thinking of you the whole time, Tweetie. So sit tight little bird, I will be back as soon as I can.
In the meantime, the panic is gone; but, the torture continues. Uh oh, I think withdrawal is coming on!
Now what to do? Who to call first? Do I need to remind you, dea

And once you get there – they keep referring you on and on until finally ... a live person in the tech department. That's when you start praying. Praying that there's no disconnect during the process so you don't have to start all over again. Sure enough, disconnect!
So you call your computer guru who informs you that your modem is obviously dead. You need to get a replacement from the phone company. I found a shortcut to the tech department this time, only to be referred to the company "store" to order the new modem that can't be shipped until Monday.

Message to Twitter: I'll be thinking of you the whole time, Tweetie. So sit tight little bird, I will be back as soon as I can.
In the meantime, the panic is gone; but, the torture continues. Uh oh, I think withdrawal is coming on!
Maybe you could do real-life tweets while you await the reconnection. Like this guy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTN9We8unmU